BC Strength
Thruster Lite

Thruster Lite Exercises

Below you'll find a range of the key exercises that can be performed using the BC Strength Thruster Lite.

Bodyweight Hip Thrust

Band Hip Thrust

Also requires a Thruster Band (included with each Thruster Lite purchase)

Barbell Hip Thrust

Also requires a Bar & Weight Plates

Single-Leg Hip Thrust

Feet-Elevated Band Glute Bridge

Also requires a Thruster Band (included with each Thruster Lite purchase)

Bulgarian Split Squat

45-Degree Hyperextension

Also requires a Thruster Band (included with each Thruster Lite purchase)

Torso-Elevated Push-Up

Feet-Elevated Push-Up

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Training Ideas

Booty By Bret monthly glute-focused training program