Everyone these days seems to want to grow a booty while not gaining any additional leg mass. While I believe that the vast majority of lifters should indeed be training their legs hard, some lifters need to employ special tactics in order to reach their goals.

In this video, I tell you which exercises to focus on and which exercises to avoid if you’re striving to build your glutes without building your legs. To simplify things, I created the list of movements below:

Do These:

Barbell Glute Bridges​
Feet Elevated Glute Bridges
Seated Hip Abductions
Cable Standing Hip Abductions
Side Lying Hip Raises
Extra Range Side Lying Hip Abduction
Lateral Band Walks
Band Seated Hip Abduction
Cable Cuff Hip External Rotation
Band Hip Hinge Abduction
American Deadlift
Cable Kickbacks
Kickbacks With Bands
Back Extensions
Cable Pull Throughs
Frog Reverse Hypers
Spread Eagle Reverse Hypers
Knee Banded Reverse Hypers
Frog Pumps
Standing Glute Squeezes
RKC Planks

Avoid These:

Back Squats
Front Squats
Box Squats
Bulgarian Split Squats
Step Ups
Skater Squats
Pistol Squats
Single Leg Box Squats
Hack Squats
Leg Presses
Leg Extensions
Sumo Deadlifts
Trap Bar Deadlifts
Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Romanian Deadlifts
Good Mornings
Leg Curl Variations
Nordic Ham Curls
Glute Ham Raises
Seated Hip Adductions

Learn more

Squeezing Glutes During A Squat

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The Ultimate Glute Pump Workout

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Booty By Bret is an online strength and conditioning program for women catering to all levels of fitness from beginners who are new to strength training to bikini competitors and powerlifters. These total body strength training workouts are highly efficient to maximize aesthetics, body composition, strength, and athletic goals. Take your training to the next level and improve your physique in as little as 3 hours per week!